
Archive for June, 2009

Stop stretchy straps


Most patterns instruct you to make single thickness straps for your bag handles. I find that making cords and tubes with a length of  ribbon or cord inserted down the center keeps them from growing longer with use.

Cut a length of ribbon the 12-16″ longer than the finished length. Work your knitted or crochet cord for about one inch. Insert a ribbon end into the middle of the cord, exiting out the start end. Tie a knot at this end (this will keep the ribbon from pulling out as you work) leaving about a 6 to 8 inch tail. Continue working the cord around the ribbon to the desired length. After binding off the cord tie a knot in the ribbon at this end right next to bind off  leaving about a 6 to 8 inch tail.

After attaching the cord to the main body of the piece tack the ribbon tails to the main body and knot two to three times. Finish off the ribbon’s raw cut edge by cutting the end at a 45 degree angle and applying “Fray Check” or “Aleene’s OK To Wash-It” glue to seal the raw edges for non-dry cleaned pieces.

TIP: Choose a ribbon color close to the cord color. And if you’re planning on washing the piece use washable ribbon and pre-shrink if necessary.

For the cord strap on ” Mosaic Purse” I knitted a 5 stitches garter stitch I-cord with 1/4 inch polyester ribbon inserted through the center.

Working wide straps “in the round” creates stronger, sturdier, slightly padded handles. Cut ribbon 4-6 inches longer than the finished length and about 1/4″ narrower than the width of the strap. Mark the finished length on the ribbon, leaving 2-3″ at each end, set aside. Work the strap for about one inch. Insert the ribbon end into the middle of the strap, exiting out the start end for about 2-3″. With a safety pin secure the ribbon and strap this will keep the ribbon from pulling out. Continue working the strap around the ribbon to the desired length. After binding off the strap hand sew the ribbon ends to the strap ends using a back stitch or stitching twice. There will be a lot of stress at these points. You can seal the raw edges as described above and turn under to insert flush with the strap ends.

Tips: You can sew flat tubes from fabric to use for the strap inserts.

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